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O tender sprout I rave about,
   You’re full of A and C!
Steamed, stir-fried, roast, you are the most
   Ambrosial dish for me!

Cabbage, in fact, but so compact,
   A globe of fetching green,
And, when it’s Yule, the rocket fuel
   That lifts the festive scene.

Born in Brabant, some lucky plant
   Mutated to become
Choux de Bruxelles, which did so well
   All rivals seem ho-hum.

How wrong, sweet veg, those who allege
   You’re not worth time and toil.
Let English cooks read Delia’s books
   Not boil and overboil.

Don’t mention gas! I’ll let it pass
   As just an evil slur
Spread by some troll, dear Rosenkohl,
    Great Christmas crucifer!