Note on the 'Double-Title' Poem
The double-title poem has two five line stanzas. The first title reads into the poem or states its opening motif. The first word in the second stanza is italicized and identical to the first title. At least one word in the last two lines of the second stanza rhymes with the exit title.
Double-title poems respect both locality and 'spooky action at a distance.' Their aim is to treat language as both particle and wave.
UNDO . . .
Is my favorite function on this word processor.
Allen’s first thought, best thought—not for me.
I make so many errors—typos, misspellings—
its for it’s; your for you’re; that I thank whatever
software gods may be for my Guardian Angel—
Undo. Had Steve lived, he might have adapted it
to life itself—devising a button to zap the stupid
things we do. But be careful what you unscrew.
Let your finger hit that button—as dad’s sperm
kisses ma’s ovum & skidoo! No one left to press
REDO . . .
DEJA . . .
If you get the eerie feeling that you’ve read this
before, re that slow-ball Yogi Berra calls Déjà Vu;
it may be that Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, and a few
wacko physicists are right that there’s a recurring
universe (or 2). So why be surprised when feeling
Déjà Vu? Big Bang! Expansion! After skillions of
light years—Big Crunch! Singularity! Then? Bang!
All over again! So, if cosmological constants hold
true; you’ve read these lines an infinite number of
times before. What’s more—infinite readings will
ENSUE . . .