Alexander Blustin: The Edenic State
That's not your nut. That's mine!
The squirrel wants; you must obey
The furry guest who comes to dine.
That's not your nut. That's mine!
The squirrel wants, come dinnertime,
Your birdseed, snacks, the lot. OK?
That's not your nut. That's mine!
The squirrel wants; you must obey.
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Max Gutmann: To Catch a Thief
Joseph P. Kennedy,
Working for Roosevelt
After the crash,
Outlawed the very same
Trading he'd practiced–but
Kept all the cash.
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George Myerson: With an Apology to Machiavelli
Much better, he ruled, to be feared
And scowl through a sinister beard
Than seek to be loved
And find yourself shoved
Out by folk who once heartily cheered.
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Martin Parker:
Damien Hirst
At his attention-seeking worst
Left the pundits tickled
By wildlife, pickled.
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Bob Eccleston: Thoughts
A decent haiku
should hold hidden grains of truth
but not be corny.
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Max Gutmann: Cherity Case
Cher'lyn Sarkasian,
Cher, that unmatchable
Mistress of song,
Married ol' Sonny, but
Couldn’t keep working pro
Bono for long.
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Henry Stimpson: The Schwa
It’s neither fish nor fowl,
This odd half-said vowel.
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Jerome Betts: The Famished Flock
Weeping, weeping multitudes
Droop in a hundred A.B.C.’s.
T. S. Eliot- A Cooking Egg (1919)
Or, as John Milton very nearly said,
‘The hungry sheep look up and are not fed
But swell with wind from aerated bread’.
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Rumi Morkin: Time Flies
Future shortage of foodstuffs is credible.
House-fly larvae are perfectly edible,
But with cupboards quite bare
Leaving no other fare,
I'll not stomach them, even if spreadable!
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Max Gutmann: Portrait of the Artist
Picture a picture o'
Ludwig van Beethoven,
Genius at home:
He who drew orchestras
Through the ineffable
Never could learn how to
Manage a comb.
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George Myerson: With an Apology to Uncle Albert
“God does not” he asserted, “roll dice.” –
To do so would hardly be nice –
But if each quantum state
Must be chance and not fate
His ideas can’t be all that precise.