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Silver car facing left Pat D’Amico: 2002 Porsche Carrera 4S

Thunder? An airplane?
Some strange cosmic quirk?
No,  just my neighbor
Leaving for work.

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John Cooper: Woe is who?

Taking on the persona
Of victim and martyr
The eventual story
Made him persona non grata.

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Tonia Kalouria: Boomer’s Lament

What once was tried, trusted and true,
now is trite, time-worn and through.

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Russel Winick: Advice

For hasty remarks you might have to mend fences,
So here’s what wise folks recommend:
Give careful regard to adverse consequences,
Before you decide to push “Send.”

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Pat D’Amico: Dogs And  Cats

A dog wants to go and will jump in your car–
Just happy to be any place that you are.
A cat, though, disdains all such canine gyrations
And never will travel without reservations.

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Damian Balassone: Cycles

Little children imitate
adults who intimidate.

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L. A. Mereoie: Galloping Consumption 

An MFH (no, not the Quorn) 
   Whose name I daren’t unmask
With gin-drenched wits would drink his horn
    Then try to blow his  flask.

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Richard Fleming: BBQ

The boy stood on the burning deck
Whence all but he had fled.
The barbecue was ruined
So we ate the boy instead.

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Damian Balassone: Pierrot

His wretched life is deemed a pantomime
by those decreeing love to be a crime.

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Steven Kent: Perspective 

A woman may a goddess be,   
Yet she alone can't spot it;   
A man whose failings only he   
Can't see thinks, "I've still got it!" 

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David Mitchell: Fouc, No

The most cited scholar
is one, Michel Foucault,
but what the fouc he’s on about
I simply do not know.

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Bruce Bennett: Locksley Hall Updated

I looked into the future far as human eye could scry,
And what was it I saw there? Nothing, nothing, but AI!

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Bruce McGuffin: Walking The Lake District
I’ve seen so many styles of stiles
While hiking through these windswept miles,
The sky above, the grass below,
With now and then a sheep for show.

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A. M. Juster: Hot Water

Trapped lobsters eat their weak and lame.
Trapped politicians do the same.

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Jerome Betts: Pie in The Sky

One for sorrow
Two for joy . . .
Domed nest of sticks
To house their chicks.

Dmed magpie nest high in bare tree