What you don’t realise is
we all come back
in the fullness of time
as everybody else.
I hear you cry
"is this possible?
While you’re working your way through
reincarnating Mozart’s dad
or Hannah next door
may she rest in peace,
another million babies
are being born every week.
It won’t work.
What you also don’t realise is
you don’t have to do them
one at a time.
I am currently
not only me
but also Oliver Cromwell,
Pepe who kept the shoe shop
by Valencia bus station,
Shu Fang
(Wing Tsu’s uncle, not the one with the parrot),
Gets Drunk Woman,
and many other people
of whom nothing is known.
there are actually
only six of us organising it:
Dora Peters, Randrapradesh, Oxoatl,
White Bear, Rat-face Luc, and me.
So to keep things moving
we’ve stopped waiting
till people are dead.
If that bothers you
ask yourself:
who do you suppose you’re arguing with right now?
Think about it.