A man from near the Dardanelles
threw out the nuts
and ate the shells.
His friend from the Gibraltar Strait
threw out the fish
and ate the bait.
His cousin on the Antrim Coast
ate all the bones,
threw out the roast.
So many people just don’t know,
don’t realize that they’re blind:
they throw away the fruit of life
and only eat the rind.
(Translated from the Italian of Gianni Rodari 1920-80)
I bravi signori
Un signore di Scandicci
buttava le castagne
e mangiava i ricci.
Un suo amico di Lastra a Signa
buttava i pinoli
e mangiava la pigna.
Un suo cugino di Prato
mangiava la carta stagnola
e buttava il cioccolato.
Tanta gente non lo sa
e dunque non se ne cruccia:
la vita la butta via
e mangia soltanto la buccia.